Surface | Distribution

Delivery address

Sørlandske Hovedvei 18, Amundrød
N-3270 Larvik

Postal address

PB 2060 Stubberød
N-3255 Larvik

Contact info

Phone: +47 33 15 66 66
(Remove SPAMFILTER from the address)



David Bergene Holm

Assisting Director

David is the Assisting Director of Bergene Holm AS and manages the two production factories producing Interior products in Larvik and Kvelde.

Contact information:


Ernst-Willy Halvorsen

Export Manager


  • 56 colleagues

Surface treatment | Distribution 

Bergene Holm produces interior products at the two separate Production Plants in Larvik and Kvelde. Bergene Holm Interior produces and distributes a wide variety of assorted Interior products to Norwegian hardware stores. 

The interior production plant in Larvik handles all surface treatment in addition to surface treating a large portion of cladding products. All interior products are produced at the planing mill in Kvelde. In addition to its own production, the interior production plant also imports and distributes goods from certain hand-picked manufacturers.

In 2013, a completely new building of 8000m2 was completed in Larvik. The new production plant houses a state-of-the-art surface treatment plant, and is also the company's distribution center for all interior products. The distribution center also handles certain exterior products that are distributed to the market in Eastern Norway.

Service department Larvik

Interior Larvik has its own Service Department where we produce and tailor: 

  • samples and exhibitions for our hardware store market.
  • Room-to-room solutions
  • special orders and custom made interior product solutions


The production plant for interior products in Larvik surface treats and distributes a wide range of interior products. 

  • Panel
  • Molding
  • Liners / Smooth Liners
  • Staining, coated paint & varnishing
  • Precut 

Domestic customers are the established hardware stores in the south, eastern- and western parts of Norway.

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