Read about FSC-certification and download the certificate.

FSC™ (Forest Stewardship Council™) is an international organization working for responsible forestry.

Bergene Holm AS is certified in the FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) and can offer timber and wood certified as FSC MIX Kredit. This means that our wood products can be traced through the entire value chain, from the timber in the forest to the final product ready for sale.

Bergene Holm AS commits to avoid that raw materials/timber orginates from forestry that is in violation with one or more of the following five controversial categories:

  • Illegal forestry
  • Failure to comply with human rights
  • Forest of high conservation value threatened by forestry
  • Conversion of natural forest to plantation or other operations
  • Use of genetically modified trees

When purchasing certified raw material the supplier has the responsibility. For the non-certified raw material, Bergene Holm AS commits to ensure that the requirements are fulfilled.


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