Read about PEFC-certification and download the certificate.

PEFC (Program for the Endorsement of Forest Certification schemes) is an international organization aiming to promote sustainable forest management through an independent third part certification.

All timber from Bergene Holm AS are environmentally certified by the requirements set by the PEFC system. This means that we are in control of the timber's origin and know that all our logs meet the strictest environmental requirements. 

In practice, this means that forestry activity must be:

  • Gentle against endangered and vulnerable species
  • Animal and outdoor life must be taken into account
  • Restrictions shall be made against wetlands
  • There should not be any forestry in areas that are environmentally bonded or vulnerable

Implementation of the control system and certification

Companies that sell PEFC certified wood products must be able to prove that the raw material comes from PEFC certified forests. The traceability certification is done by a third party.

PEFC Norway


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