Logo for norsk Impregneringskontroll som er formet som en stor i


Bergene Holm AS is a member of the Norwegian Control Scheme for Preservative Treated Wood.

Norwegian Control Scheme for Preservative Treated Wood (NIK) is a voluntary control system that works to ensure high quality of impregnated wood in Norway.

Pressure-impregnated wood is protected against rot and insects and has significantly longer life than unimpregnated wood. The prerequisite is that the pressure impregnation process is performed according to approved methods, and with the approved impregnation substances.

Bergene Holm AS uses Wolmanit CX8. Wolmanit CX8 is free from chromium and arsenic.

The company's production of pressure impregnated wood is checked twice a year by the Norwegian Control Scheme for Preservative Treated Wood. In the checks it is ensured that the production complies with the technical requirements in NTR Document No. 3: 2011.


Nordic Wood Protection Council

Through the Nordic Wood Protection Council (NTR), the control in the Nordic countries are coordinated in NTR Document No. 3 "Nordic rules for quality control and labeling of impregnated wood. Part 1: Pine and other easily impregnable softwood ".

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